El Progreso Dura Para Siempre
Solo Exhibition
Galería La Superior, Mexico City
April 2021
During the month of
March, 2021, US
visual artist Allegra
Hangen researched the
origins of social housing
in the Central Valley of
Mexico. Liminal places
that continue to question
the legacy of the ideals of
progress introduced during the early economic
and urban development
of Mexico City between
the 60’s and 70’s.
Allegra Hangen uses
images as archival and
current documentations
of both physical places
as well as historical moments that are relevant
in thinking about the
origins of social housing
during architectural Modernism in Mexico. The artist questions the
relationship between
Mexico and the US while
reviewing the concept of suburbia, which was
incorporated during the
peak of architectural
Modernism in Latin
America in general.
El Progreso Dura Para
Siempre is an exhibition
that displays most of the
pieces made while the
artist was in residency at The Lab Program:
Art-Research & Mobility
Network. Most of the work made
during this time was
developed using the
discourse of collage as a
visual and conceptual
For the piece “Alianza para el Progreso’’, Hangen uses
databending (glitching
by coding) as a narrative and visual tool that
rethinks the logic of the
diplomatic discourse that
JFK presented during his visit to the housing
project, Unidad Independencia, in 1962.
In this piece, the artist
plays with the visual
morphology of an archived image, questioning
the narrative of historical
memory and changing
the visualization of this
image by hacking it with
code; transcribing and
interweaving parts of the
speech given by Kennedy
into the digital image’s
- Valeria Montoya, The Lab Program